
Death and dating

In Persia (now Iran), people often believe Runescape Gold into a woman's appearance, tall tall, his head wrapped in a black headscarf, she likes to appear in various cities on the market, looking for her to date. Of course, no one wants to date her, because that means death. One afternoon, a wealthy Baghdad would like to hold a banquet, so he told his servant to the Western TREASURY pull on the market to buy food. West la smart, competent, very wealthy trust. He always at the lowest price the best buy. When he was in the bargaining with the vegetable vendors, all of a sudden found a black turban Touguo the tall woman in a Rs Powerleveling stall while staring at him. When they Simuxiangdui, the woman he pointed his hand as if to speak with him. Well, Death! La left in the hands of the West basket, his hands cover the ears, hear to avoid death, and then tried to flee the market. La fled to the West go to the host, and then kneel on the feet of the master: "master, I see the market in death. She pointed at me and told me to do a sign of a threat. But I do not want to Die, I want to try to avoid this catastrophe. "La West with a trembling voice said, and then his rapid brain operation in order to find a good fortune:" master, beg you, you will be the fastest horse by To me, so I can stay away from here, fled to Samarra, I went to a relative. I have to go quickly, or else she was entangled late on. " "Well," is a wealthy charity, a la the West agreed to the request, "I get on the fast horses go quickly, and Allah will bless you arrived safely in Samarra." West la non-stop towards the rapid fled Samarra. At the same time, kind of rich businessmen came to the market, he would like to find death, she asked why the threat of his servant. He saw the crowd Touguo black turban of the death tall. "I am curious why you have to threaten my servant?" He asked. "I do not have a threat to him," smiled death, "I am surprised that only a gesture. I do not think this time he also met in Baghdad, as I will this evening in Samarra, and he does have a date. " This world there are many smart people who can plan ahead, planning in advance, which saved the day, pull through. Such a person in many parts of the Gaorenyichou always, you can not say that they do, what is wrong, however, unfortunate that such a person is sometimes defeated by death or, in this last Gaorenyichou
